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Advent Calendar Day 18

Cruise Ship Hairdresser


Today is Advent Calendar Day 18, we are opening the door to a career as a cruise ship hairdresser.

This career path provides a prime opportunity to travel the world whilst working at sea. If working internationally appeals to you, then working on a cruise ship could be a great option.

However, it’s important to bear in mind that it’s not a holiday. Working hours can be long and days off are few. You may feel homesick, as you will be away from family and friends for months at a time. You will need to decide if working at sea is suited to you or not.

We have consulted with industry and education experts to find answers to some of the key questions that you might be asking as you start thinking about your dream career in this sector. Click the information sheet to read their insights.

Today we have explored just one of many career paths within the hair and barbering industry; there are a wide range of choices available. Want to know what other jobs are available in this sector? Visit our career pathways page to see all the career options available through our qualifications.

Interested in what else you can study? Click here to see all the qualifications available in our Hairdressing and Barbering sector.

Want to find a place to study? Click here to find a centre near you.